Community Forum : 2015 Lexington Presentations
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 Subject : Triple Crown of Outreach: Customer Relationship Management.. 06/02/2015 06:35:42 PM 
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Archivists and records managers know that records don’t appear automatically in the archives, even when policies and retention schedules say they should.

In this speed-geeking session, Andrea Bainbridge, University Archivist at DePaul University, addressed how the implementation of customer relationship management software has improved management of data about donor relations for more effective outreach and reporting. As an institutional repository DePaul University Archives must cultivate and maintain a pool of “perpetual donors.” Lessons learned from colleagues in sales and fundraising have informed the way the Archives has overcome challenges with regard to reporting to administration about donor interactions, cultivating new contacts among record creators, and “staying on the radar” of past donors who, as employees of a thriving institution, form the pool of ever-potential donors. Leveraging CRM software that provides contact profiles, overviews of in-person and email interactions over time, and flexible data gathering has contributed immensely to insights about the donor pool and managing its expansion.

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