MAC Annual Meeting 2019 - "Current Issues in Business Archives" PreconferenceWEDNESDAY, April 39:00 am – 4:30 pm (check-in/coffee starts at 8 am) This daylong meeting will focus on two important topics in business archives today, electronic records and storytelling. The meeting will be broken up into two sessions: electronic records in the morning and storytelling in the afternoon. Moderators will lead each session in a collaborative, shared learning environment. Each moderator will give a brief presentation on various aspects of the topics and then lead the group in discussion and sharing so you can learn from each other. The specific topics to be covered at the meeting are Electronic Records
The goal of this preconference meeting is to impart a better understanding of the topics. Who Should Attend? This meeting should be of interest to anyone who works in or manages a business or organizational archives. You should be willing to share your successes and challenges with the group. Scheduled Speakers/Moderators:
Cost: $50 Participants: 30–50