MAC Emeritus Membership Award
Each year the MAC Membership Committee solicits nominations from the MAC membership for candidates to the status of Emeritus Member. The nominee must be an individual member of MAC, retired from paid archival work and have been a MAC member for a minimum of 10, not necessarily consecutive, years. More importantly, nominees must have made a significant and substantial contribution to MAC during their archival career. The Emeritus Membership Award and special membership status of Emeritus Member were created to recognize those who have contributed to the success, growth, and visibility of MAC through committee work, programming, outreach, and governance. The award intends to recognize those who work behind the scenes for MAC, as well as those who have been honored by election to office.
Download the application form with instructions. Application deadline is January 31. Please send completed applications to:
Greg Bailey Head, Special Collections and University Archives Iowa State University Special Collections and University Archives 403 Parks Library 499 Morrill Road Ames, IA 50011 Email:
Emeritus Members
- Mary Ann Bamberger
- Patricia Bartkowski
- Roland Baumann
- J. Joe Bauxar
- Jesse E. Boell*
- Ann Bowers
- Maynard Brichford*
- Valerie Gerrard Browne
- Nicholas Burckel
- Theodore J. Cassady*
- J. Frank Cook
- Helen Davidson
- Francis A. DeLoughery*
- Anne P. Diffendal
- Kenneth Duckett*
- Henry (Hank) E. Edmunds*
- Paul Eisloeffel
- Charles B. Elston
- Timothy Ericson
- Barbara Floyd
- Jim Fogerty
- Glen Gildemeister
- Brother Roy Godwin, CFA*
- Raimund Goerler
- Mark Greene*
- F. Gerald Ham
- Dorothy Heinrich
- James D. Henn*
- Frederick L. Honhart
- Harold Hutchings*
- Jack K. Jallings*
- Nancy Lankford
- Lydia Lucas
- Joel W. Lundeen*
- William Maher
- Steve Masar
- Philip Mason
- Dale C. Mayer
- David McCartney
- Dennis Meissner
- Dione Miles*
- Archie Motley*
- Margaret Cross Norton*
- Sister Josetta Phoenix, BVM*
- Marguerite Edith Jenison Pease
- Richard Pifer
- Nancy C. Prewitt*
- Mary Janzen Quinn
- Patrick Quinn
- Florence Stewart*
- Joanne Stranberg*
- Joseph Svoboda*
- Cheri Thies
- Nancy Turner
- Elisabeth C. Wittman
- Joel Wurl